Kids Fishing Derby - 206101302

Kids Fishing Derby

$8.00 - $10.00

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Activity Details

Kids Fishing Derby

Meeting Details

Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Days: Sat
Lake Audubon Pool
2070 Twin Branches Road
Reston, VA, 20191


More Than 2 days before the Enrollment(s) begin date.
Age older than or equal to 3.00 and younger than or equal to 15.99. The date used for calculating the age is Item Begin Date.

Kids Fishing Derby

Bring your fishing rod or borrow one of ours to compete in this fun morning of fishing. No experience necessary. We will provide bait, prizes and light refreshments. A fishing license is not required for kids. Adults are not permitted to fish during the kids' fishing time. For registration assistance, contact [email protected] or 703-476-9689 ext. 3.


Reston Association

RA Member Fee (Standard Fee): $8.00

Reston Association

Non-Member Fee (Standard Fee): $10.00
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