All Ages Nature Programs - 106011008

Raptors Up Close

$9.00 - $11.00

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Activity Details

Raptors Up Close

Meeting Details

Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Days: Sun
Walker Nature Center
11450 Glade Drive
Reston, VA, 20191


More Than 2 days before the Item(s) begin date.
Age older than or equal to 1.50 and younger than or equal to 110.00. The date used for calculating the age is Item Begin Date.

Raptors Up Close

Families, couples and individuals are invited to join our naturalists for these programs designed for a mix of ages. Take an exploratory hike, have some outdoor fun or participate in an indoor Nature House program to learn about and celebrate the natural world around us.

Children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Some age restrictions may apply. For registration assistance, email [email protected] or call 703-476-9689, ext. 3. Click Item Details button below for activity information.
Meet live raptors up close, including an owl and a hawk. Learn where they live, what they eat, where they nest and how they raise their young. How do they adapt to cold, wet winters and prepare for spring? Presented by Secret Garden Birds and Bees. Register by February 15.


Reston Association

RA Member Fee (Standard Fee): $9.00

Reston Association

Non-Member Fee (Standard Fee): $11.00
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