Adult Intro to Pickleball - 209200922

Adult Intro to Pickleball

$155.00 - $180.00

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Activity Details

Adult Intro to Pickleball

Meeting Details

Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Days: Sat
Autumnwood Recreation Area
11950 Walnut Branch Road
Reston, VA, 20194


Age older than or equal to 18.00 and younger than or equal to 100.00. The date used for calculating the age is Transaction Date.

Adult Intro to Pickleball

This class is for players that are wanting to learn the basics in pickleball. Introduces pickleball strokes and unique terminology. Students will have a blast learning how to serve, dink, volley, and hit ground strokes. Paddles are provided for those that need them.
No classes held on July 4th weekend.


Reston Association

RA Member (Standard Fee): $155.00 = $155.00

Reston Association

Non Member (Standard Fee): $180.00 = $180.00
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