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Details for Brown's Chapel Multipurpose Room

Brown's Chapel Recreation Area1575 Brown's Chapel RoadReston, VA, 20190(703)435-6530Facility: Brown's Chapel Multipurpose Room

11300 Baron Cameron Avenue
A very cozy and affordable facility close to home. Its tall ceilings provide excellent acoustics and its park-like grounds offer a lovely setting.
Ideal for group & business functions such as classes, workshops, community meetings, wedding celebrations/receptions and other celebrations, cluster meetings, troop/scout meetings, and faith group meetings.
Available for members and non-members year-round. Attractive Rates: $60-85 per hour
For rates, a Community Buildings flyer, and Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions, click on the Info button.


-Seating for 50
-3 tables (30"x72")

-Member/Reston Non-Profit $60/ hour
-Non-Resident/Non-Reston Non-Profit $85/ hour

Miscellaneous Fees:
-Security Deposit $100 per reservation
-Community Building Key Deposit $20 per keyRA Members in good standing are given priority in all facility rental requests.

Brown's Chapel Multipurpose Room